If you want to help fundraise for us but are stuck on what to do, we have plenty of ideas to inspire you.
Whether you’re looking for a sporty challenge, wanting to put your skills to good use, or just bring everyone together for a bit of fun, you’ll have a great time fundraising and helping us be there for children.
- abseil: reach new heights with an abseiling challenge
- afternoon tea: hold an elegant afternoon tea with friends or family
- arm wrestling contest: see who’s crowned the arm wrestling champion
- art exhibition: showcase local artists and raise money through an entry fee
- auction: encourage local businesses to donate items to be auctioned off
- car wash: help shine up local cars in a community car wash event
- cocktail night: mix up your favourite drinks in a charity cocktail evening
- coffee morning: get together and enjoy a cuppa while raising money
- crafts: turn your hobbies into a fundraising activity and get crafting
- cycling: get sponsored to hop on your bike for a charity cycle
- eBay: sell any unwanted items you have lying around on eBay
- egg painting contest: get creative to see who can paint the best egg
- Etsy: use your crafting skills to sell your awesome creations on Etsy
- exercise marathon: hold a day long event to see who can go the distance
- Eurovision party: everyone can represent a different country at this party
- games night: get competitive in a board games or video games night
- give something up: get sponsored giving up something you love
- golf day: get outside and take to the green in a charity golf day event
- grow a beard: let it all grow out while raising money for charity
- guess how many: challenge people to guess how many items are in a jar
- ice cream tasting: discover all the different flavours in a tasting event
- improv night: let your community flex their skills at an improv night
- international food party: ask everyone to bring a dish from a specific cuisine
- iron man challenge: hold an iron man event and see who can tough it out
- It’s a Knockout: have some fun with an It’s a Knockout event
- karaoke: find out who’s got the chops to be the best at karaoke
- kayaking: take to the water to see who wins a charity kayak race
- keepy uppy contest: who will keep the ball up in the air the longest?
- kick a habit: challenge yourself to break a bad habit while raising money
- knitting: use your knitting skills to create some items to sell
- makeover: ask people to donate skills for hairdressing, manicures, etc.
- mobile free day: challenge everyone to go without phones for a full day
- mountain climb: rise to the top with a mountain climb challenge
- murder mystery party: find out who done it at a murder mystery night
- music concert: hold your own local music event or battle of the bands
- obstacle course: see who can complete the obstacle course fastest
- onion chopping challenge:who can go the longest without shedding tears?
- open mic night: let anyone take to the stage in an open mic event
- original recipe contest: bring out your best recipes to be crowned winner
- outdoor theatre: hold an outdoor theatre show with entry fee
- quad bike racing: get the adrenaline pumping in a quad bike race
- quickest time contests: see who can complete a task the fastest
- quiet hour: challenge people to stay quiet for an hour, donate for every noise
- quintissentially British party: tea, scones, and everything British
- quiz night: test everyone’s knowledge with a quiz night to raise money for charity
- sky dive: take to the skies and get sponsored for a charity sky dive
- sports day: get nostalgic with a school sports day themed event
- street party: all your neighbours can get involved with a local street party
- superhero party: dress up as the person you consider your superhero
- short story contest: hold a contest to find the best short stories
- ultimate frisbee: take to your local park for an ultimate frisbee competition
- uniform free day: skip the uniform for a day in return for a small donation
- University Challenge: host your own University Challenge style event
- unplug from tech: get sponsored to completely switch off from tech for a day
- upcycling: transform old items into something new that you can then sell
- wear NSPCC green day:encourage people to wear NSPCC green for the day
- wedding gifts: instead of gifts, you can ask for donations to charity
- window cleaning: offer to clean neighbourhood windows for a donation
- wine tasting: enjoy some delicious drinks at your own wine tasting event
- world record attempt:challenge people to try and break a world record
- bake sale: get your local community baking to sell some delicious treats
- bbq: fire up the grill for a charity BBQ day with friends or neighbours
- bingo: who will be the first to check off all their numbers at a bingo night?
- birthday giving: ask your loved ones to donate instead of buying you gifts
- book sale: raise money through your community selling unwanted books
- dance-a-thon: see who can last the longest on the dancefloor
- darts contest: take aim to see who lands the bullseye in a round of darts
- dinner party: pick a theme and host your own charity dinner party
- dog show: let those pups strut their stuff to see who is voted the winner
- drawing contest: challenge people to show off their drawing skills
- Facebook fundraising: use Facebook fundraising tools on your social media posts
- fancy dress day: hold a fancy dress day at school or work for a donation
- fashion show: rock your best outfits in a local charity fashion show
- film night: host your own film night, you can even get creative with themes
- football match: see who will score the winning goals in a charity game
- Harry Potter party: discover Hogwarts with your own Harry Potter party
- head shave: shave all your hair off for some sponsorship money
- hiking: take a sponsored hike and see how long you can trek for
- homebrewing: try your hand at some homebrewing and sell your drinks
- hour of earnings: challenge your colleagues to donate an hour of their pay
- jam making: try your hand at making some jam at home to sell
- jazz night: take in some smooth tunes at your own jazz night event
- jigsaw puzzle marathon: see who can complete the most puzzles fastest
- joke-a-thon: crack out your best jokes to exchange laughs for donations
- jumble sale: see what old or unwanted items you have lying around to sell
- Las Vegas night: enjoy a glitzy Vegas casino themed evening
- learn a new skill: get sponsored to learn a useful new skill
- lego contest: see who can build the most impressive lego creation
- livestream: host an online gaming, cooking, fitness, or crafting livestream
- loose change collection: ask people to donate any loose change they have
- nail art: raise money through creating beautiful nail art on people
- name the [blank] contest:challenge people to name the song or movie
- needlework sale: create some impressive needlework you can sell
- netball tournament: take to the court for charity netball matches
- nighttime walk: get sponsored to walk alone or with friends all night long
- penalty shootout: step up to the line for a penalty shootout tournament
- plank / press up challenge:see who has the strength to hold out the longest
- poetry day: get lyrical and share your poems in front of an audience
- poker night: all money won in the game gets donated to charity
- pot luck event: everyone brings a dish to contribute to the pot luck
- read-a-thon: challenge people to get reading for charity
- roaring twenties party: host a decadent theme party for your friends
- rock climbing: see who can reach the top in a rock climbing challenge
- run: test out your endurance by challenging yourself to do a sponsored charity run
- table tennis tournament:see who edges out the competition at table tennis
- talent contest: give everyone the chance to show off their best talents
- teddy bear picnic: host a teddy bear picnic for families to enjoy
- tombola: run a local tombola with fun prizes to help raise money for charity
- treasure hunt: put together a treasure hunt around your town
- variety show: hold a local variety show and enjoy an evening of entertainment
- vegetable growing: see what vegetables you can grow and sell
- video game competition:discover who’s the best when it comes to gaming
- village fete: organise a village fete to help raise money
- vintage sale: rummage through your closets to find vintage looks to sell
X, Y, Z
- X Factor competition: host your own X Factor style singing contest
- yoga marathon: release the tension and stretch out your body for longer
- yo-yo contest: crack out your best yo-yo skills in a competition
- zero waste day: challenge yourself to go fully zero waste for a week
- zip wire: soar through the sky as you take on a zip wire challenge
here are some ways you can help us!
Fundraising for Warrington Youth Zone is a rewarding way for you to get involved and support our vital work. Whether you participate in one of our thrilling challenge events or organise your own fundraiser, you’ll make a big difference.