Philanthropy & Major Gifts

Philanthropy & Major Gifts   

Founder Patrons are key to the success of Youth Zones, we work with businesses and individuals who are united by a determination to provide the Young People of Warrington with exciting and engaging opportunities by providing state of the art facilities, which are open to all- providing safe places to connect and grow, helping our young people lead happier and healthier lives.  

So much in our society is focussing on the negatives, we want to address our assets and we believe that our young people form part of those assets, they need investment and nurture to ensure that our future communities are filled with empowered, active and caring citizens. 

Our Town is made up of some of the most deprived communities in the UK, with 1 in every 3 children currently living in poverty 

How your Donation Helps

£5000 could provide each of our Junior Members with a hot meal.
£10,000 could pay our electric bill for one month.
£15,000 could fund a mental health project for 3 months.
£20,000 could fund 4,000 young people with free membership for a year.
£25,000 could provide 25,000 hot meals to young people.

How you can Pledge your Support

Annual contribution

We ask that supporters give a suggested annual gift of £5,000, which will be allocated to a project on your behalf.

Fully fund a project or resource

Some projects or resources require significant funding. With your help we can get them off the ground.

Case Study – Get to Know Jess

“Through getting to know Jess over the last few months, she has trusted the staff team with a lot about what is going on in her life, shedding more light on what it is like at home and in her head than she was willing to tell her social worker. Concerns were raised and appropriate support put in place to ensure we were doing right by the young person and making sure she received the best possible service we could provide. This helped a considerable amount with her emotional wellbeing, however whilst she has progressed from the support, there is still an awfully long way to go. Recently there have been concerns raised by the Child In Need team at the council around her safety when the Youth Zone isn’t open for her and she does not want to be at home, so in the near future we will be doing some more tailored support around safety in public and ways to help her look after herself, delivered by the youth workers that she knows and trusts. The hope is that this will tackle the risky behaviours she is starting to dabble in and curb it before it escalates, ensuring she does not get herself into any more dangerous situations. We are continuing to offer Jess and her siblings free entry and free meals, even though the funding has ended, as the benefit that this gives massively outweighs the cost of providing it. 

Without this funding, it is very possible that Jess and her siblings never would’ve became involved with ourselves and the sessions we run wouldn’t have been able to have such a huge impact on their lives.”

Why Partner With Us?

  • Make sure you feel fantastic for having made such an incredible and positive contribution
  • Receive bespoke support, contact and communications
  • Regularly report on the impact of your support
  • Opportunities to attend our exclusive events
  • Regular updates on the impact of your gift
  • Network with our other corporate partners & funders

here are some ways we could work together.

Why Support Us?

Generous support through philanthropy, major gifts, trusts and foundations enables us to provide opportunities to inspire young people to lead healthier, happier, more positive lives; raising their aspirations to become caring and responsible citizens with more to offer themselves, their families, the community, and employers

About WYZ

Warrington Youth Zone believes in ‘Inspiring young people to achieve’. We exist to support young people’s development, offering opportunities to gain, increase and develop skills, knowledge, self awareness and confidence, and enabling them to make positive and healthy life choices through our wide range of programmes aimed at different age groups.
