£50 Business Challenge

Join us and join in our £50 Business Challenge!  

A chance to have fun, channel your inner entrepreneurial skills and raise as much as you can for young people locally. There isn’t anything else to it really, you can be as imaginative and creative as you like, hosting a bake sale, or climbing a mountain, having a weekly Tuck Shop, or simply not buying that daily coffee. Whatever it takes  to raise as much as you can!
Not only will all of your proceeds help to make a huge difference to many young people, but it will also give you the chance to make your way onto our leaderboard and battle your way for the top spot!
Running from 1st June until 25th September 
To register your business, get in touch with a member of the team partnerships@wyz.org.uk
£5 raised will provide a young person with a membership to the Youth Zone, we currently have 4879 young people who receive free school dinners, and this £5 membership could be unaffordable, You can help to provide this through your fundraising.
£120 raised will provide a months worth of cookery sessions, providing vital skills to our young people and also a lot of fun!
£800 will provide 50 young people with access to the Youth Zone, including membership, hot meals and activities for 6 weeks.
£1050 can give a young person access to 1-2-1 support with our mentors. Supporting their mental health and wellbeing for a 12-month period. We currently have more than 150 young people accessing this support.
£7500 is what it costs to keep our doors open each and every day to more than 250 young people. 365 days of the year. Your support could fund this, helping us to provide a space for young people to flourish.

Getting Started

1. Get your team together and nominate a team captain. You can enter as many teams as you like as long as all team members work/study for the same organisation.

2. Sign up here via email.

3. We will then be in touch with your £50 starting investment and fundraising support.

Business Benefits

  • Increased awareness of your business by linking with a local charity.
  • Team building within your workplace, boosting morale and enthusiasm.
  • Fun and engaging PR and social media opportunities.
  • Networking potential with other participating businesses.
  • Help to fulfil your Corporate Social Responsibility objectives.
  • Increased engagement with clients, customers or suppliers.

Business Ideas

Here are a few business ideas to help you gain your first £1:

  • Buy ingredients to stage a BBQ or bake sale or even host a Come Dine With Me.
  • Buy five members of your team five places on a fundraising event.
  • Stage a quiz, comedy or talent night and use the money to hire a venue.
  • Host a raffle or Bingo night or even a Party!

Why Support Us?

  • Engage employees with volunteering opportunities

Exceptional Account Management

Improved public relations, perception & trust

Team building exercises through challenge events 

  • Brand exposure to our shared audiences.

Network with other corporate partners 

here are some ways we could work together.

About WYZ

Warrington Youth Zone believes in ‘Inspiring young people to achieve’. We exist to support young people’s development, offering opportunities to gain, increase and develop skills, knowledge, self awareness and confidence, and enabling them to make positive and healthy life choices through our wide range of programmes aimed at different age groups.
